
“I met with Catherine through a difficult emotional and spiritual time in my life. I had many life transitions happening and she helped me find my own inner strength to cope with these changes. I appreciated her insights, our deep conversations, and her genuineness in our sessions. I am grateful for her presence.”

— Erin P.

“I met with Catherine when feeling confused and overwhelmed by decisions in my life. Her calm and wise presence was the comfort I needed. She was compassionate and supportive while asking insightful questions which helped me see new options. I appreciate that she uses mindfulness techniques and draws from a wide range of spiritual traditions. I highly recommend Catherine for emotional and spiritual support when faced with the challenges that life transitions can present.”

— Jan S.

“Catherine welcomes you with a warm and loving smile. Her deep listening skills invite healing and change that she supports with her extensive knowledge. Her work is rooted in deep spirituality that she pairs with a strong grasp of the business and corporate world. She balances heart and life in a way that has allowed me to see how I could initiate change as I embraced my challenges. I was able to see my difficulties with new lenses and that was transformational. Catherine is peaceful and heart centered. Her messages and methods are powerful and easy to insert in your busy life. I am grateful for her work and trust her with my care.”

— Anna M.

“Catherine has such a warm, open and grounded vibe. She is great at asking thoughtful, provoking questions that make me feel heard, and then deeply listens - a rare quality. Her presence is calming, steady and playful. She’s truly in your corner. Having someone challenge and support me spiritually has been invaluable in my health journey.”

— Rachel Wood, Owner, Hela Functional Nutrition

“After Catherine introduced herself in a meeting, I also happened to be a part of, I knew that I needed to schedule an appointment with her. Catherine has helped me to realize what spirituality means to me, which is something I had struggled with for years. She has also helped me with techniques to quiet my mind and learn to listen to and trust my heart. She is a gift.

— Cindy C.

“Catherine, you are a blessing. Thank you for being you: you are the best gift that the Universe has ever given me!”

— Lindsey P.

“Catherine has guided my steps as I’ve navigated a difficult road of grief, sorrow and personal guilt following the sudden death by suicide of my husband following his own extended and debilitating illness. She has been extraordinarily kind, compassionate, and empathetic; offering me a blend of encouragement, wisdom, kindness, and practical resources to help me find my way. I’ve come to think of Catherine as my own personal visiting angel; and cannot begin to express sufficient gratitude for her presence in my life these past months.”

— Barb M.

“I just happened to sit next to Catherine in the lobby of the emergency vet, where our dogs were being treated for consuming things they shouldn't have. I made a sarcastic comment about the situation and my fault in it - the irony I'd grown quick to find. Catherine started her healing work right then - suggesting that I notice the negative thought and let it go. In the two years since, Catherine has helped me refocus and realign with more calm and compassionate thought, developing a practice of gratitude, of truth-saying, and of truly listening. Through visualization, breathing, and writing exercises, I move more confidently and joyfully towards what is life-giving and what feels meant for me, no longer consuming and holding onto the things I shouldn't have.”

— Jenn S.

“I am not sure that there are sufficient words to explain how instrumental Catherine has been in my healing process. Her support, insight and encouragement have helped me, not only keep going through the tough times, but also to keep growing into the person I was meant to be! Emotional, physical, and spiritual healing is definitely a process and I am blessed to have Catherine to guide me on my journey. I will be forever grateful to her.”

— Barb F.

“My journey, beginning with a severe accidental trauma during a surgery gone south on my hip, leading to colossal opioid dependence, then withdrawal, quickly began to appear hopeless and pathless. I was constantly in a reactionary fight or flight mode, and my central nervous system was in a continuous amplified state- as my very unbalanced body was stuck in a horrible negative feedback loop. Catherine has helped me see these unbalances in ways I could never have imagined possible. Through her different methods of healing, she has taught me about self-awareness, empathy, will-power, and what it means to have hope again. She is what I have come to call her as my “life coach,” and she is teaching me how to live again. I have more hope than I ever had before. She has helped me see my path again.”

— Nate H.

“I first saw Catherine at a talk she was giving as part of a workshop from Natural Mental Health and their 'Professional Series: Natural Joy.' There was no one thing that she said that impacted me most; but it was in her every word, in the energy with which she delivered her talk and the sense of joyfulness and peace that beamed from her. I sat there, listening to her personal story and the ways that life had changed her, the methods that she has connected to for her own interior journeywork and I knew that I wanted to work with her. I had no idea if she took individual clients for private counseling sessions but I had to find out. Happily for me, she does. Catherine has a calm and soothing spirituality that has helped me integrate years of deep therapeutic work that I have done with other highly qualified professionals. In some cases, she has reminded me of tools to use and then practiced them with me, reinvigorating forgotten means of adjusting to the human condition. It is her resonance of spirit that has melded the other work, that has helped me grieve some losses and to quickly move forward with my own truth. These months of private sessions have watered my garden with her gentle encouragement, kind reflections, and powerful insights. I believe she is a healer of spirit in the way that the best of old fashioned ministry has always been. I highly endorse her as a counselor, as a spiritual and therapeutic agent for change, and as a kind person.”

— Nancy L.

“I lost my wife last spring after 4 years of care giving. I was grieving and had many regrets about my care giving and what I could have done. At a grief group, in a Bloomington church, Catherine spoke to us and described many things I was feeling. Through private sessions with Catherine I started to navigate through my grieving and mourning. I will always mourn the death of my spouse, but now I am approaching a 'new normal' in my life. My spouse would have wanted this for me. Thanks to Catherine's guidance, knowledge, kindness, and spirituality I am doing things to live life again. (church going, social events, dancing, etc) These things make me passionate for life again. I will periodically continue to see Catherine and continue my 'new normal..”

— Tom K.

“Catherine is truly a gifted and connected spirit! She shared a guided meditation with me that absolutely blew me away — I felt light and free and so connected to source — it was wonderfully enlightening!”

— Laurie E.

“I enjoy my work with Catherine and the information, support, and tools she has helped me with in my quest to understand the meaning of life and trying to communicate with my husband, angels, spirit guides, and God.”

— Jan Q.

“My work with Catherine helped me discover my inner peace, agency and resilience. Catherine not only helped me to manage my anxiety and worry, which were overwhelming when I began seeing her, but to also proactively address many of the issues that were causing it. I learned to set clear personal boundaries when necessary, and use energy boundaries in other situations to protect my wellbeing. I also learned to integrate self-care practices like meditation, breathing, EFT and visualization to stay centered and focused on what matters to me. Since working with her, my life has become more serene, joyful and fulfilling. I am so grateful to Catherine for her partnership and guidance.”

— Amy L.

“Catherine led me through a powerful session of tapping about money. I had some substantial money imprints and an unhealthy relationship with money. The short session of tapping with Catherine helped me to feel and name my emotions around money. Without a lot of therapy or processing, the tapping motion moved my emotions through and out of my body. I now feel clean and can confidently say and believe that money is a tool for me. In 45 minutes, I went from fear and grief around money to liberation. Tapping is powerful, and Catherine is a master at leading you through the process. Her gentle spirit and her years of work in the field of ministry, spirituality, and therapy makes her a trusted guide.” 

— Heather Heefner, owner, Dart Studio.

“Catherine is all heart, genuine and full of the wisdom and knowledge needed to guide a client — or a group — through anything.”

— Cyndi Dale, Intuitive, Healer, and Author of 26 bestselling spiritual books.

“Catherine is terrific, kind, wise, and resourceful. She has many simple techniques to offer for de-stressing, removing anxiety, and soothing the soul.”

— Ellen H.

“I've know Catherine since 1992. She's a dedicated individual of high integrity. I first worked with her 14 years ago when she co-led a Mind/Body/Spirit group at The Marsh for the U of M Center for Spirituality and Healing. Catherine’s insight into health, healing was invaluable then and she continues to grow, learn and teach on healing, wholeness in the community. I highly recommend Catherine for her gifts of meeting people on their paths and providing 1-1 counseling and leading groups/workshops on health, healing and resiliency.”

— Karen Lawson, MD C0-Director, Integrative Health and Wellbeing Coaching Program, University of Minnesota Center for Spirituality and Healing

“I worked with Catherine for years at Fairview Hospice and witnessed her love for patients. She would always “Make my day brighter” when I would run into her. She is great at what she does. The patients loved her and so did the patients' families. A healer skilled at walking with people and helping them find peace. I feel very blessed to know Catherine.”

— Margaret Marudas, AccentCare Home Health Aide (formerly Fairview Home Care and Hospice)

“I went to see Catherine to work on something I was stuck on emotionally. Amazing help!!! Go see her if you want to evolve spiritually and emotionally.”

— Debra D.