Practicing Presence

In this moment, we are fully alive. When we bring our minds back from ruminating on the past or the many what-ifs of the future, and come into just this moment, this breath, we can be here now.  

In this moment, we can tap into a deep presence and peace that lies within. 

Here is a quick, easy, yet powerful way to practice presence. First, bring your attention to your breath. Breathing in and breathing out. Then say out loud these affirmations. 

I am presence. 
I am a divine being.
I vibrate at divinity frequency. 

Put your hands over your heart area. Feel the warmth of your hands fill your being, and allow ease to fill your heart and soul. 

If you have more time, you can use the following presence meditation to bring yourself back to this moment. It usually takes about ten minutes, but take whatever time is right for you now. Feel free to slow down and linger at different points if it feels right. 

Sit or lie in a comfortable position. You may want to close your eyes so you are not distracted.

Bring your attention to your breath. Breathing in and breathing out. 

Now tune in to your body. Be open and curious. Open to just what is, with no judgement.

Next you are going to bring attention to each part of your body.

First notice if you have any tension or tightness anywhere in your body. If you do, just breathe into that tense area for a moment.

Now take a minute and tune in to what you are thinking and feeling. Are you calm, restless, grounded, agitated? Notice what is going on without judging or trying to change anything.

Now bring your attention back to your breathing. Breathing in and breathing out. 

Become aware of where you feel your breath most. It might be in your nose, chest, stomach or elsewhere. Breathe in deeply and notice the breath as it fills your body. Your body expands on the in-breath and recedes on the out-breath. 

Bring your attention to the top of your head, your face, forehead, your eyes, cheeks, jaw, mouth. Whatever you are experiencing in this moment, allow it to just be.

Now move your attention down into your neck and shoulders, noticing if you have any tightness there.

Move your attention now into your arms, your elbows, your wrists, hands, fingers. Notice any sensations you feel. Just feeling what’s there. 

Now move your attention down into your chest, your heart area, your beating heart. Continue feeling your body as it breathes for you. 

Invite your heart to soften and expand. Feel warmth and a softening in your heart area. Spend a few moments paying attention to this warmth, feeling it and feeling love within your body. 

Now move your attention into your stomach. Notice what you feel in this area. Do you feel a sense of calmness, tightness, or something else? This is the area of your body where you digest life. What are you feeling here? Open to what is present here in this moment. 

Now move your attention to your hips, your legs, your thighs, knees, your ankles, and your feet. Feel how each part of your body is connected to the next. 

Feel the vibration of aliveness coursing through your body. 

And now let your attention rest again on your breath. Breathing in and breathing out. Feeling your body expand on the in-breath and recede on the out-breath. 

And now bring your awareness back to the present moment. Let your breathing deepen. Feel your body being supported as you breathe in and out. 

When you are ready, you can gently open your eyes. 

To listen to a recorded version of this meditation, please visit my YouTube channel: “Learning to Live: Mind Body Spirit Teachings” (click here).

This meditation and the short affirmation practice can be combined. Begin with the affirmations, then move into the meditation. At the end of your meditation, bring your hands to your heart area and repeat the affirmations again before opening your eyes.  


We Are Not Alone – Part 1


The Journey Inward