Living Fully: How to Tune in to Your Life Energy

How do you know when you are fully alive?

Maybe a surge of energy moves in your body. Maybe a warmth fills your chest, or a strong emotion of gratitude or love fills your being. You feel the softness of the wind touch your cheek. The sun shines, and the rays feel like they touch your soul. Your mind slows down and maybe even stops. A sense that there is something more, beyond this physical body, emerges.

Such moments might seem short and fleeting, but they’re valuable. And they don’t have to be rare. You can train yourself to notice and cultivate them.

First, let go of your thinking, worrying, procrastinating mind--the mind that plays multiple scenarios at one time. Remind yourself, “I am not my mind.”

Next take a deep breath. Then another. It might take several deep breaths, but soon you’ll begin to feel calm and present.

Now allow yourself to become still and quiet. Still in the body, quiet in the mind. In this space, feel your energy vibrating within your body.

This energy that is unaffected by your thoughts and feelings is your true essence and being. When you are feeling this energy, you are fully alive.

The more you take time to tune in and feel your own essence, the easier it becomes. And as you give yourself more moments of full aliveness, you begin to create room to see, hear, and feel more clearly what your soul is trying to say. You can listen deeply within and hear the stirrings of your heart.

From there, your heart and soul can begin leading your life. You might begin to feel nudges to take steps in your outer life that you hadn’t considered before. And as you turn in that direction your heart and soul are calling you to go, you’ll probably feel a surge of life energy carrying you forward. The feeling of being fully alive confirms that you’re going in a direction that’s right for you.

Every step I've taken on my path has come as a result of opening to this inner surge of energy and its nudges. It led me to leave my corporate job, study theology, become a chaplain, and want to help people.

Tuning into this life energy can also help you in those inevitable moments of confusion, doubt, unease, and anxiety. Breathe deeply, still the mind, and feel the energy moving through your body. Let it reorient you. Let it take you back to the place inside where you can once again hear the guidance of your heart and soul. Let it help you feel fully alive again.


Living Fully: Come Back to Your Heart


Living Fully: Gratitude for Life