Living Fully: Come Back to Your Heart

How do you touch your inner guidance?

Start with stepping back from your mind. Doing so creates space for you to just be in this moment.

Now breathe. Our bodies are always in the present moment and breathing in and breathing out reminds us that the rest of us can be too. Notice your breath coming in through your nostrils. Feel its coolness as you breathe in, its warmth as you breathe out.

Next, feel your clothes touching your skin. What does this sensation feel like?

When your mind starts to wander, just come back to your breath. Breathe in and breathe out.

Can you breathe into your stomach? Put your hand on your stomach, and with your in-breath feel your hand rise. With your out-breath, feel your hand fall. You are stimulating your parasympathetic nervous system and your body is automatically starting to relax.

Now, as you continue breathing, feel your heart space. Let your heart speak. Let your heart open. Here is where the treasures of our soul and inner guidance arise.

What do you feel in your heart?

This question is not easy to answer when we are caught up in our mind and not able to tune in to our body. Maybe you have not connected with your body and heart for a long time. Yet our heart gives us so much information if we take the time to listen.

Without any judgement, notice what arises. Maybe you feel a nudging, a stirring, or a pulling in a particular direction. Maybe you feel a sense of calmness. Can you name what is arising?

Whatever arises, open to it. Let the feeling have space. Feel it. Breathe into it. Feelings are not permanent, and when you feel them, they move through you. As you let them move through you, you create space for love, joy, peace, and guidance to come in, one breath at a time.


Balance and Ease in a Time of Uncertainty


Living Fully: How to Tune in to Your Life Energy