healing, prayer Catherine Duncan, MA, BCC healing, prayer Catherine Duncan, MA, BCC

Opening to and Trusting the Unseen

I don’t remember the exact moment that I turned to God and prayer, but I do remember what my first prayer was: “Please let me live to be twenty.”

I said it when I was eleven years old and going into the hospital for weekly chemotherapy treatments. I knew that I was living between life and death. I also knew that I wanted to live.

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healing Catherine Duncan, MA, BCC healing Catherine Duncan, MA, BCC

Minding the Mind

How are you living your life? Are you minding your mind? Are you living fully present in this moment or living in a state of near slumber? Strive to live openly and be aware of life’s beauty and time’s passage. This is what it means to be fully alive.

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healing Catherine Duncan, MA, BCC healing Catherine Duncan, MA, BCC

Opening to the Unseen: My Story

One day in March 2000, I was sitting in a conference room at my husband’s start-up internet company listening to my colleagues discuss how to design web pages. Suddenly, I looked up and saw dozens of pair of eyes floating around the room.

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healing Catherine Duncan, MA, BCC healing Catherine Duncan, MA, BCC

Opening to Love – My Spiritual Teacher

My beloved dog Lulu died suddenly in August. It felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest. I held her in my arms after hearing there was nothing more that the vet could do. She was being kept alive in their ICU. I held Lulu closely and just moments before the vet was to give her a sedative to help her pass, she awakened, turned her head and stared straight into my eyes.

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healing Catherine Duncan, MA, BCC healing Catherine Duncan, MA, BCC

Opening to Life

At age 10, life changed overnight for me. A childhood cancer turned my life into a series of weekly chemotherapy and radiation treatments. I spent hours in the hospital’s sterile, cold waiting room with kids screaming and crying, many of whom had lost limbs to cancer.

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healing Catherine Duncan, MA, BCC healing Catherine Duncan, MA, BCC

The Path Outward: Life Lessons From The Dying

Days before my mother-in-law Karen died, she said to me sitting on the edge of her bed, “I am going to teach you about death and dying, I am ready and I am not afraid.” An accepting peace permeated the room with no fear or unrest. In her final hours, her breath became shallow and she gently let go of her life.

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healing Catherine Duncan, MA, BCC healing Catherine Duncan, MA, BCC

Opening - The Path Inward

Who feels grateful for nearly dying? In a way, I really do. If I hadn’t been swept up in the rapids while whitewater rafting at age 35, I might never have found the life I’m meant to live.

A few weeks after being pulled from the river,

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prayer Catherine Duncan, MA, BCC prayer Catherine Duncan, MA, BCC

What is prayer?

Prayer has a very personal meaning arising from an individual’s religious background or spiritual practice. For some, prayer will mean specific sacred words; for others, it may be a more informal talking or listening to God or a higher power…

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