

We can’t control life, other people and things that may arise.

We can control how we respond.

It takes courage to fully accept each moment instead of judging it or withdrawing from it. Each moment is an opportunity to accept, open, and expand or to reject, retract, and shrink. Each time we practice acceptance, we open to who we are becoming in this world. Each time we withdraw from the moment, we close up and close ourselves off to life and our soul.

Choosing to fully accept each moment is both a daily practice and a lifelong journey.

Here is a short meditation for practicing acceptance – for accepting this moment, just as it is.

Sit or lie in a comfortable position. You may want to close your eyes so you are not distracted.

Bring your attention to your breath.

Breathing in and breathing out.

Become aware of any tension in your body. Just breathe into that area for a moment.

Notice any thoughts that arise. See them like clouds in the sky, coming and going.

You are the vast, blue, endless sky. Like the sky, you are unchanging.

Any thoughts that arise just float up and out.

If any emotions surface, don’t resist or fight them. Just feel and experience them.

Emotions are not permanent. When we create room for our feelings, they move through us. When fear, anxiety, or unrest arise, let yourself be with it. Feel it, and it will move through you.

Accepting your feelings, and letting them move through you, will open you to the deep space and stillness within. You will then have room for love, light, and peace to come in.

Breathing in and breathing out.

Just let be.

You are here, now, alive.

Feel your heart beating.

Feel your body expand as your breath comes in. Feel your body relax as the breath recedes.

Accepting this moment fully. What is, as it is.

Breathing in and breathing out.

Now put your hands over your heart area. Our bodies always respond to physical touch. Notice how your body starts to soften and relax as you touch your heart.

Feel your heart soften and expand.

And you may say to yourself, “May I be at peace. Give me your peace.”

Feel peace steaming into your heart.

Breathing in and breathing out.

And now bring your awareness back to the present moment. Let your breathing deepen. Feel your body being supported as you breathe in and out. When you are ready you can gently open your eyes.

You can use this acceptance meditation to soothe yourself anytime you feel unrest. You can take a few minutes to breathe, put your hands over your heart area, and allow comfort and ease to fill your heart and soul.


Who Are You Becoming?


Flowing with the River